
    Personal Info (required)

    Medication 1 (required)

    Medication 2 (Optional)

    Medication 3 (Optional)

    Prescriptions are available from this practice at your request.

    We would like to provide you with your relevant prescription medication, however if you prefer we can write you a prescription which can be fulfilled elsewhere.

    By law, a veterinary surgeon can only write a prescription for an animal under their care following clinical assessment.  A prescription may not be appropriate if it is an emergency situation or if your animal is being treated as an inpatient.

    Any animal on long term medication should be reassessed every 6 months unless your vet advises otherwise.

    The charge for a written prescription is £12.

    If ordering veterinary medications online we recommend you use a website accredited by the VMD Accredited Internet Retailer Scheme (AIRS)

    If you are considering ordering a prescription – speak to one of our team to see what we can do to help you!